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Product supply Projects

The Package

The Package
The Allflow package includes the supply of approved components, as listed below:

• Flanged offtakes to principles requirements.
• Approved high quality flanged resilient seated valves.
• Rubber flanged gaskets.
• 316 S/S insulated nuts, bolts and washers.
• Pressure testing of connection prior to drilling.
• Blocking as necessary to support the valve and clamp assembly.
• Can be tailored to suit local requirements.?

Polyethylene Inserts
Worldwide experience shows that tubercular growth forms across orifices drilled in Steel, Cast Iron, or Ductile mains, restricting the flow, and eventually limiting the offtake. CTS technology allows for permanent placement, after drilling, of a polyethylene insert across the drilled section, lining the hole and preventing any growth restricting the offtake size.

Allflow Requirements
To perform the tapping, Allflow requires the main to be excavated and exposed as detailed in the explanation below. If existing services or obstructions impinge on the excavation requirements, please contact us as we may be able to make alternative connections around the obstructions.

Pressure Testing
Prior to drilling, and after fitting the clamp and valve to the principal main, the complete assembly is pressure tested to trial the components to ensure a leak free connection.

Pipe Size Chart



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